Thursday, April 28, 2011

MTC Pictures

My RoomElders? We can't refer to each other as anything besides "Elders" so technically "room mates" is incorrect. Elder Moore (far left) is from San Diego and is really cool. We get along well and always talk about how amazing SoCal is. His Companion Elder Lybbert is next to him. He's one of those guys who loves all classical music, reads his scriptures out loud like he's in a Shakespeare play, and probably never got out of his little town in Canada. He's a nice guy though & will be a great missionary! Then Elder Waldron who, I think, can't take a picture with a normal face or smile! hahaha. Then Me!! This was on our P-day!

Elder Waldron and I on our Temple walk. We both have really goofy faces on and we decided it was a bad picture, but I thought I would still send it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First Letter Home

Dear Family,The MTC is an incredible place! I have felt God's love for me on such a huge level it's overwhelming, but in a good way! There is a unique spirit here and you know God is working miracles in the training center and you can sense that just by walking through the halls! I was blessed with an amazing district! All ten of us our serving in Resistencia and we'll all be leaving around the same time, which is unique because usually districts in the MTC are made up of Elders serving the same language, but not particularly the same mission, so it's cool it ended up that way for us. My companion is amazing! His name is Elder Waldron. He's 21 and has only been a member of the church for two years and has an incredible conversion story. He's from Philadelphia and represents all sports from Philly. He hate's on the dodgers! but other than that we get along great and work and teach well together. He pronounces "water" as "whitter" and we all make fun of him for it, we love him though! I feel like I've known everyone the elders in my district for years and we've only been here a day and a half! Hermano Wells is our spanish teacher and he is is incredible le! He's enthusiastic to teach us and everyone has told us he is the best teacher to have, so we're excited. The spanish is coming along well, amazing actually! We haven't even been here two days and we're praying in spanish! Estoy agredecido por mi distrito y mi companeros! I am 100% confident by the end of the 9 weeks here we'll be ready to speak in South America! Tanner Homes greeted me! You guys already know that but, it's worth mentioning! The days here are going to be long and tiring, but I know it's going to bless me in incredible ways! He's already blessed us with the gift of tongues and with amazing companions who want nothing more then to bring this same joy into others lives. The Lord is looking after His missionaries here and training them to spread His gospel, and it is absolutely amazing! My preparation days are Wednesdays, so that's when I'll be sending e-mails. Have Devin post this letter on the blog, since it is my first letter from the MTC, I want everyone to see it! I can't e-mail pictures from the MTC, that will change in Argentina, and I can't send photos here only e-mail and letters. I can print photos here though, so I'll do that and send some home. If I don't respond right away I'm not ignoring you! We just have so much to do and little time to respond to e-mails. I promise I'll write back though to family and friends. Send letters!! I'd love to hear from everyone! I need addresses from everyone! I am thinking of my friends & family and keeping everyone in my prayers. Hope all is well in California and I love you all! This letter was kind of long, I 'll make sure to always write back, but they probably won't be as long as this! alright, well Elder Waldron and I are off to the gym!, Hope to year from everyone soon. Love,Elder Deniston

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Way We Were

Here we are as a Family when Sean left for his Mission...can't wait to see how our Family has grown by the time he comes home.

- Devin